Consultation Fees

While nearly all of our services are covered by Medicare they are no longer Bulk-Billed.

As a result, for a full comprehensive consultation your minimum out of pocket cost will be $34.40. Once you’ve made payment in full on the day we can process your Medicare rebate immediately through Medicare Online and it will be deposited to your nominated bank account, usually within an hour, leaving you with that out of pocket cost.

Specialist tests, such as: Corneal Topography and OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography) are to be patient funded, included in the fee schedule below.

Full Cost

Comprehensive Initial



Brief Initial/Subsequent Consultation

up to 15 mins


Visual Field Test (Both Eyes)


OCT exam (Both Eyes)**


OCT exam (One Eye)**


Corneal topography


IPL $240 per single top-up session

$750 for recommended initial package of 4 treatments

* Medicare rebate processed on the consultation day. Veterans Affairs will continue to be Bulk-Billed.
** Not covered by Medicare or health insurance